
60th Anniversary

So this past week has been one crazy rollercoaster ride. I went home this weekend for my grandparents 60th anniversary celebration. It was a lot of riding in transportation vehicles for two days but it was great to see everybody. I learned a lot about my grandparents that I didn't know before. I better appreciate them as seperate from just my Grandparents. Its so easy when young to forget or even not to realize that your parents and Grandparents are people outside their role towards you. They had a life so seperate from what it is now you can hardly recognize them as who they are today. They weren't always old and grey haired. I think I understand my Grandpa's sense of humor a little better now, I can look at my Grandma and see a mysterious wonderful woman. I understood all of this before now, but this weekend has just driven it home a little more. I think that its sad that just when I am getting old enough to get to know my grandparents better it might be too late. I love you Paka and Beppe.


'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth that someone or something has shown over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so that one's focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life.

No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.

Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.